30 Abominable Acts the Catholics Practice Against God’s Will That Prove Them Antichristian

When examining its teachings and practices, the Roman Catholic Church embraces traditions and rites not explicitly mentioned in the Bible and that are blatantly vile, evil, abominable, and egregiously sinful in the eyes of a Holy God and through a biblical lens. Conversations about church traditions often overlook this historical fact. Given its extensive history…

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The Roman Catholic Church’s 30 Anti-Christian And Non-biblical Acts, such as the veneration of Mary and the doctrine of purgatory, Reveal its Falsehood, indicating that All Catholics are Spiritually Lost and Cannot Enter Heaven after Death.

Upon careful examination of the Roman Catholic Church’s doctrines and practices, it becomes evident that the religion embraces customs and rituals not explicitly prescribed in the Bible. This historical fact is often not acknowledged when discussing church traditions. Due to its extensive history and widespread presence, the Roman Catholic Church asserts that it is the…

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What does the Bible say about being born again, and can Catholics go to Heaven?

For centuries, there has been theological debate over the possibility of Heaven for Catholics. According to the Bible, one must be “born again” to enter the kingdom of Heaven. This article examines the biblical claim that Catholics cannot go to Heaven because of certain practices and beliefs that prevent them from being truly born again…

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Proof that Catholics are not Christians –

Pointing out 20 Key Differences Between Christianity and Catholicism. In John 3, Jesus stressed the need to be “born again” through water and the Spirit, often interpreted as necessitating water baptism, personal repentance, and confession of faith.  This interpretation differs from the Catholic Church in several aspects, with its rich traditions and rituals. This list…

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Can The Catholics Go To Heaven After Death? –

Comparing Christianity and Catholicism: Highlighting 20 Key Differences In the dialogue between Jesus and Nicodemus in John 3, Jesus emphasized the necessity of being “born again” through water and the Spirit, which many interpret as requiring water baptism by immersion, personal repentance, and confession of faith. The Catholic Church, with its rich traditions and rituals,…

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“Are Catholics Born Again? 20 Points that prove that they are not.” –

Being “born again” is central to Christianity, specifically within Protestantism. It refers to a spiritual rebirth and accepting Jesus Christ as one’s Lord and Savior.  Catholicism follows a unique path to salvation through traditional observances outside biblical tenets of faith in Christ alone. This article examines whether Catholics are “born again” by exploring their beliefs…

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