Over 300 million followers adhere to global ethnic false religions that worship idols and pagan deities and must embrace Jesus Christ for salvation and eternal life in heaven.

Ethnic religions encompass indigenous belief systems closely linked to specific cultures, regions, and communities worldwide. There are approximately 300 million followers of global ethnic, folk, or traditional religions. These individuals’ history, identity, and way of life are deeply connected to ethnic religions passed down for generations. African traditional religions, Native American spiritual practices, and various…

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The Chinese traditional religion, rooted in Buddhism, Taoism, and Confucianism, is infused with idolatry and pagan rituals and is a spiritually debased false religion that requires repentance and conversion to Jesus Christ for salvation.

Chinese Traditional Religion (CTR) has a rich historical background, with roots deeply embedded in ancient folk beliefs, Confucianism, Taoism, and elements of Buddhism. Rooted in ancient traditions, it involves ancestor veneration, respect for nature, and a divine ensemble. The core philosophies of Confucianism and Taoism emerged during the Eastern Zhou dynasty (770–256 BC) and have…

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Hinduism’s 30 practices and historical background prove it to be an idolatrous and false religion through the biblical lens.

Hinduism, one of the world’s oldest and most complex religions, has roots in the ancient Indus Valley Civilization, which dates back over 4,000 years. With no single founder or precise date of origin, Hinduism evolved over millennia, absorbing and adapting various cultural and religious elements. It remains a major world religion, with over 1.2 billion…

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20 Practices that Expose Buddhism as a False Religion Contrary to The Bible and Christian Beliefs

In Buddhism, the laughing potbellied Buddha is idolized and worshipped. The Giggling Buddha is known for granting prosperity and joy. In most statues, the Buddha is depicted as both laughing and overweight. According to tradition, rubbing the Buddha’s belly will bring good luck. The cloth bag on the Buddha statue symbolizes the potential wealth you…

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30 Abominable Practices and Beliefs that Prove Catholicism is a False Religion That is Against God’s Will and Not Part of the Christian Religion

While Catholicism aspires to be a part of Christianity, it has established itself as a distinct religion with beliefs and practices that differ from true biblical Christianity in both word and deed. Examining its beliefs and practices, the Roman Catholic Church upholds customs and rituals that, when seen through the eyes of a Holy God…

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30 practices and beliefs that prove Islam is a false religion in contrast to Christianity and the True Will of God for humanity.

We invite you to a Bible study discussion exploring the 30 fundamental disparities between Christianity and Islam. Despite sharing well-known characters like Jesus, Moses, and Abraham, Islam and Christianity are not the same religions despite having monotheistic doctrines and practices. These 30 significant variations are compared to what the Bible teaches. 1. Concept of God…

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Global false religions and Christian cults that deny Jesus Christ as their Savior mislead, deceive, and divert people from the narrow and true path to salvation.

In the book of Matthew, Jesus Christ warns us about the roads that lead to both life and destruction. He says, “Enter through the narrow gate” in Matthew 7:13–14. Many people enter through the vast, convenient gate that leads to destruction. It is difficult because the gate to life is narrow, and few people find…

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