Nigeria’s central Benue State witnessed the brutal killing of four innocent Christians by Fulani herders.

According to local sources, Fulani herders killed two Christians on October 9 in the central Nigerian state of Benue and two more on October 3 in a different part of the state. In northeastern Benue State’s Logo County, herders on Wednesday attacked the village of Ayilamo, killing university student Solomon Kwanta and another Christian, area…

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The defendants implicated in the killing of a Christian individual in Pakistan have been granted bail and then released.

Lahore, Pakistan: Due to a sloppy police investigation and pressure from an Islamist extremist party, a judge last week granted bail to at least 52 Muslims accused of killing a Christian man over a false blasphemy accusation, sources said. On June 13, a Special Judge of the Anti-Terrorism Court in Sargodha, Muhammad Abbas, granted bail to…

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